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Article Series

I have written articles that are in series that you might be interested to read. C’mon, these are one-of-a-kind adventures that I’m sure you’ll be green with envy! Great photography too.

Memories of War

Boxcars, wall of valor, war memorials, Bataan Death March markers. These are just some of the reminders of the horrors of war, man’s cruelty to his fellow men and the Philippines wasn’t spared. After World War II, Manila was the second most destroyed city in the world.

West Panay Jaunt

There’s more to the western part of Panay than Boracay. In fact, there are many interesting places in the provinces of Aklan, Antique and western Iloilo that just amazes without driving all the way to Caticlan. Ruins, churches, food and rowdy festivals are there waiting.

Mindanao Smile

Mindanao, the Philippines’s second largest island has a veil of mystery draped around her. Feared by the uninformed but loved by those who know her true worth and beauty. This series is my tribute for Mindanao, where I’ve been crisscrossing over the years and where a part of me also comes from.

Shiok! Singapore

The Little Red Dot hosted my Singapore travel for ten days and during this time, I was able to become familiar with the culture, food and anything that made this small country one of the biggest in Southeast Asia.

Pangasinan Break

Through the invitation of Micamyx, fellow travel blogger who hails from Dagupan, a bunch of us bloggers went to the northwestern province of Pangasinan to enjoy and discover what this beautiful place has to offer: food, culture, beaches, resorts and heritage.

Cruising in Singapore and Malaysia

Airphil Express and Star Cruises invited us bloggers for a familiarization cruise tour from Singapore to Malaysia aboard the latter’s Super Star Virgo, a full service cruise ship. It was a lot different experience, another different way of traveling. And it was good.

Hong Kong Sojourn

I was invited by AirPhil Express to join them in their maiden flight from Cebu to Hong Kong and stayed for almost a week to explore, photograph and get to know more about this beautiful place south of the Chinese mainland. Hong Kong through my experiences.

Lakbay Norte Redux

I was in the NORTH. Up at the coasts of Cagayan and the Ilocos Norte provinces when I was again invited to be part of Lakbay Norte’s 2011 edition, Leg 2, visiting several new and interesting spots as well as reacquainted with some old sites.

Calayan Sojourn

Finally, I’ve set foot in one of the country’s hidden gems. I was on assignment in Calayan Island in the Babuyanes and in between, I got to enjoy this piece of paradise in this part of the Philippines. Though it was just a few days, I am planning a longer trip.

Wow Macau

Familiar yet exotic. It was an experience savoring what Macau has to offer: its rich fusion cuisine, glitz and glamour as well as old world charm with its rich history and heritage as I embark on a familiarization tour of this territory when I was invited by the Macau Government Tourism Office with other travel bloggers and writers.

Trikes and Pedicabs

I’ve always been fascinated with these three wheeled vehicles plying the roads of cities and towns in the Philippines. Either motorized or manually driven, it comes in different forms and designs and are unique to the places they ply.

Thunderbird Resorts

Thunderbird Resorts invited us bloggers in a familiarization tour of their resort in Poro Point, La Union and took us to the tourism sites in the surrounding area of San Fernando and Luna. It was an opportunity to visit what I wanted to go to: the Pindangan Ruins and the Luna watchtower.

Lakbay Norte

Last January 2010, I was invited by the North Philippines Visitors Bureau to join a media tour of travel writers and bloggers to experience North Luzon for seven days starting in Cagayan province all the way to Pampanga to sample the various local cuisines and experience the attractions offered by the various provinces along the route. This is such an unforgettable experience!

En route via Mindoro

Last 25 December 09, I traveled from Makati City to Cebu via land for the Holidays. 36 hours later and about P2,500 in expenses, I was finally back home. Not a comfortable trip, it’s a continuous ride from one point to another, experiencing a schedule foul-up, had a batchoy dish to remember and also passing through one of the best road network in the country.


From time to time, I will be interviewing travel bloggers and other personalities who can share their travel related experiences with readers of this blog and their favorite places which will usually take the form of a top 5 list.

I’m also interested in featuring local bloggers who can tell more about their own places as well as recommend not so common but interesting sites that a traveler will enjoy. Depending on the interviewee’s inclinations, his top 5 places to visit might focus on heritage, food, things to do, etc.

I’m also open for interview suggestions or offers.

Cebu-Sugbo Kini

Not your usual dried fish market in Taboan or the guitar shop in Mactan. No mangoes, Malapascua beaches or the false white sands of Shangri-la Mactan. And definitely, no Taoist Temple this time. It’s much more interesting than visiting another pilgrimage site built by Henry Sy or Ayala. It is historically rich, has unique food concoctions and places and spaces that only locals know. Get first hand information also from a Cebu based blogger as he tell you more about the heritage sites of his beloved province. This and more in this series.

Fortress of Empire

Crumbling watchtowers, ruined forts and walls of once fortified settlements standing as mute witnesses to the Philippine’s dark and hidden past. These Spanish colonial era structures have defended the towns and islands for more than a century of Muslim slave raiding and piratical activities. Unfortunately, utter neglect and indifference to these heritage icons are in danger of becoming lost forever.

The Cuyo Loop

Cuyo? Agutaya? The former leper colony of Culion? What? Where? Yep, I went to the remote islands of Cuyo, those sprinkle of terra firma between the islands of Panay and northern Palawan and also passed by Negros, Iloilo and Coron. Discover these beautiful places and know its dark past…

The Luzon – Visayas – Luzon Loop

Madness? A masochist’s trip? Almost. But its an adventure that I have been wanting to do for years until I finally decided to take the plunge. Journey with me as I start my trip right at Philtranco’s Pasay terminal then spend the next 30 hours passing Bicol, the sunka highway of Samar, then Leyte and reaching my home in Cebu. After the holidays, I went back to Makati but this time, by bus via Western Visayas and Mindoro. Sound fantastic? You bet it is!

Semana Santa

Rituals and age old practices across the Philippines that sometimes bewilders, awes or makes one contemplate on the significance and holiness of Lent. These include pre-hispanic rites that has been incorporated into Catholicism or cherished lenten traditions that have become a Philippine way of life and faith.

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