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End of the Luzon-Visayas-Luzon loop

My gear during the entire trip while aboard the roro from Calapan.

theLOOP mindoro route This is the 16th and last installment of the Luzon – Visayas – Luzon Loop series. Click the image on the right to check out the rest of the posts.

It’s the end of the road for my first Luzon – Visayas – Luzon roadtrip or what I fondly call, theLOOP. Its been really an arduous but enjoyable adventure across many provinces, thousands of kilometers and new discoveries. The total cost might be more than taking a plane Manila-Cebu-Manila but the experiences I gained, PRICELESS!

Will I do this again? SURE! And I will not only repeat it if time and budget allows but I’m looking at longer routes ahead!

Cheap accommodations in Kalibo.

While in Kalibo in Aklan, I managed to keep costs at a minimum by staying at this P135 (about $3) dorm type accommodation just beside the bus and van terminal. Good thing that even if it was pre-Ati atihan, I had all the room to myself. Beats renting an expensive airconditioned room.

Disembarking passengers at the Roxas wharf.

From Caticlan, the roro stops at Roxas in Mindoro Oriental. But really, its a long trip, the longest in the entire loop which takes 4 hours at a minimum and 6 hours at maximum depending on the weather. Not really a too enjoyable boatride as you can only see nameless islands, the sea and sky. Better to sleep it off if you don’t mind the boring B movie being shown.

A usual scene after every roro disembarkation, passengers boarding their respective buses.

After disembarking the roro, the bus scenes were at least orderly and not too chaotic compared to what I experienced in Allen, Northern Samar. Too bad, I didn’t get to ride a bus but was left again with no other option but a vhire. Unfortunately, as it was already evening, I have to forgo the Mindoro scenery.

Sleeping it off while taking the three hour roro trip to Batangas.

The roro from Calapan, Mindoro Oriental to Batangas City takes just 3 hours and even if it was already around 9PM, there are still trips between the two points.

Luzon at last!

Arriving in Luzon, it was another crowded vhire trip for me. After three hours, I am back home in Makati and took a much needed rest.


6 thoughts on “End of the Luzon-Visayas-Luzon loop”

  1. astig ang loop. kaya lang ikaw lang ba mag isa bumabyahe?

  2. This is one hardcore loop. Next time’s a bigger loop I bet!

  3. congratulations on your travel. that is a tough one and i am sure i won’t make it (the same trip that is) alone.

    thank you for letting us tag along in your journey. GOD bless!

  4. No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.
    -Lin Yutang-

  5. Congratulations on finishing this one. I agree. Trips like this. The experience is indeed priceless. Looking forward to more of your exploration.

  6. murag kung ako siguro, wala na, laspag na. hehe. havent done “loop” traveling.

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