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Travel musings from August 2020

It was five months since the the pandemic lockdown started that I just missed traveling so much. And out of the blue, wrote down some travel musings last 25 August, 2020. Here’s what I posted…

Photo above taken at the Abu Dhabi airport as we were heading to the terminal for the connecting flight to Paris, 2013.

Tuktuk from Siem Reap Airport to hotel, 2012

The Americas

I will travel to Canada to visit family. But before that, I will stop in South Korea for two weeks to avail of the no visa transit. After staying with my brother, I will take the train to explore the country and Quebec.

After which, I should head to Mexico and Brazil. The former to explore the grand old churches. Will also check out the port cities of Acapulco and Veracruz, both important ports of the galleon trade. In Brazil, to see the Modernist works of Oscar Niemeyer in Brasilia.

Airport bus bound for Incheon Airport from Seoul, South Korea, 2016

Spend a few weeks in Lima and Cuzco, doing nothing but absorb its culture. Bolivia is also in the radar, with its beautiful montane clime. If I can get a visa to Argentina, will proceed there to visit an art deco cemetery, eat steak and watch or learn tango. Then travel to Ushuaia and go on an adventure.

That one time that I traveled from Butterworth in Malaysia to Kuala Lumpur wherein I didn’t have any option but to take the seat at the baggage compartment. There were two of us passengers. 2012


Johannesburg is tempting. And I want to see Soweto. I want to explore the art deco structures in Durban and climb up the mesa in Cape Town. And Lallibela in Ethiopia should be a trip for spirituality, and if I get a visa, Asmara for Italian art deco.

Travel Musings
Bus ticket from Phuket airport to downtown, 2017

Egypt is in my sights too. To explore its antiquities and travel the Nile. Get lost in its labyrinthine souks and eat and eat and eat. And Morocco, especially the art deco architecture of Casablanca with its stunning cathedral.

On a ferry to Qijin in Kaohsiung, 2019


Will it be difficult to enter Europe again? I was there in 2013. But I’m setting my sights to visit Lisbon and Porto in Portugal. Madrid, Salamanca and the Alhambra in Granada for old architecture and the futurist works of Calatrava in Valencia while checking out and eat paella.

Jetty port in Bali, 2016

Then I will take the train to Paris and visit those that I have missed but mainly to check out Architecture and head to Reims for its art deco. Berlin, Belgium, and then Kaunas in Lithaunia for another art deco city.

Turkey and eat street food and visit its landmarks. Then spend a month in Georgia and Albania before heading to Dubai to explore this part of the world.

Travel Musings
The cavernous Kyoto Station, 2015


Then India, with a particular interest in the Victorian and art deco ensemble of Delhi. Take the train to Goa then to Pondicherry. I should be smelling of curry and spices by then. Wearied by the long travel but easily recharged in visiting a new destination. And after which, I don’t really know where to go next.

By the time I will get back home, I would have then circumnavigated around the world…

Travel Musings
Aboard the Paris Metro passing by Cambronne, 2013

Will these travel musings happen?

I’m just imagining what I will do while at home in this pandemic. When the physical is bound within the four corners of the room, the imagination flies and soars.

I just smile. Happy of the plans. Will it come to fruition? Time will tell. Finances will decide. But the willingness of the spirit is there. Hoping. Crossing fingers. And needing to work and toil to support all these plans.

The time will come when I enter Mactan Airport and start this journey.

One day.

Hoping, soonest…

Took the Aeri de Montserrat cable car for the mountain shrine in Barcelona, Spain, 2013

From the original FB post.