Photoessay: Glimpse of Tonle Sap Water Village
A Tonle Sap water village visit near Siem Reap is a must if you’re looking to immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Cambodia. I… Read More »Photoessay: Glimpse of Tonle Sap Water Village
A Tonle Sap water village visit near Siem Reap is a must if you’re looking to immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Cambodia. I… Read More »Photoessay: Glimpse of Tonle Sap Water Village
It was five months since the the pandemic lockdown started that I just missed traveling so much. And out of the blue, wrote down some… Read More »Travel musings from August 2020
Only in the Philippines! I squirm uneasy everytime I read or hear Filipinos say this when talking about balut. Balut is the infamous boiled duck embryo… Read More »How balut is served in Phnom Penh
August was cruel. And in the next four months, from September to December, my travels were more of an escape. Come to think of it, whenever I am in Makati, I just get depressed that I have all sorts of excuses and reasons to travel. That’s what the heartbreak did to me, travel to seek refuge of being anonymous, travel to distract oneself. But no amount of traveling can console me.
October was another busy month traveling around the country and abroad. If statistics have to be considered, I was out of Makati City for the past 25 days!
I love Siem Reap. Its a great city with great culture, heritage and people.
The night can work wonders and when abroad, the chances of an encounter can be greater than being at home.