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Mt. Mayon up close

Mt. Mayon from the plane's window

I really never tire of Mt. Mayon. I’ve seen her with her lava flows, or from the beautiful vantage point at the Embarcadero. Heck, I even consider Legazpi City airport as the airport with the best view in the world because of her! Years ago, while enroute to Cebu from Manila, the lady from afar is just beautiful. But never have I gone this close!

During a flight from Albay back to Manila, I was just fortunate enough that the morning was beautiful and thus, leaving Mt. Mayon exposed. As the plane passed closer and closer, I was just so enthralled of seeing it up close in the air, its trail of smoke billowing from its maw. Unfortunately, it was backlit as the sun was at the opposite side but still good enough to cast a dramatic image as well as show its gulleys.

Beautiful Mt. Mayon always intrigues!

5 thoughts on “Mt. Mayon up close”

  1. Majestic! I had a glimpse of Mt. Mayon through a plane window, too, but it was too far. I snapped a shot anyway; it was exciting. 🙂

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