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Wow Macau

STOP! Ultra rich and high rollers here only

    This ain’t a fair world, really. There are just some doors open to those with the right credentials. In Macau, there’s a particular portal that is reserved for the ultra rich and high rollers. Piles of money that they can afford to burn in a night.

    Old Macau structures at Lilau Square

      Largo do Lilau (Lilau Square), an old quarter, is part of the Historic Center of Macau, inscribed as UNESCO World Heritage site. Here, rows of Portuguese style houses in pastel colors give the place an old world feel.

      Macau casinos’s dazzling free shows

        The hotel and casino business in Macau looks tough with each establishment trying to outdo each other. One way to attract people and money is to offer multimillion dollar shows that lasts within 30 minutes and can go on and on throughout the night.

        Low tables, cold Coke & Fong Wong Pasteleria

          I liked it here. The ruggedness, the rundown atmosphere that are patronized by the locals. When I first saw this, I didn’t quite believe it but there it was, a reality check in this gambling eden.

          A saunter at the Camoes Garden

            If I had my way, I would have stayed longer at the Camoes Garden, Macau’s biggest park and just enjoyed the scenery, the sound of birds and sauntered along its shaded pathways, listened to an aspiring chinese opera singer or just jogged its trails and had my own spot for stretching.

            Egg tarts and intrigues at Cafe e Nata

              It’s flaky, tasty and unforgettable. Melts in your mouth goodness the way egg tarts should be. But it’s not from Lord Stow’s Bakery but from arch competitor and ex-wife’s Margaret’s Cafe e Nata. It’s dessert with its share of intrigues.

              Prayers and joss sticks at A-ma Temple

                A-ma Temple is one of the popular religious sites located at the southwestern tip of Macau dedicated to the goddess Mazu or Matsu, the patron of fishermen and seafarers and protector of the sea. It is also one of the oldest, built in 1488, predating the Portuguese arrival.