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In Transit

Reaching one’s destination is just half the fun. As the old Chinese proverb says: “A journey of a thousand miles start with a single step.”

Cruising aboard the Super Star Virgo

    Think of cruising as something out of the ordinary. It’s not just another passenger ship going to a destination. It is a full service, mall of the seas, so to speak, considering the many amenities and things to do and enjoy while taking it slow to your destination.

    Near drama at the Babuyan Channel

      It was just three kilometers from our destination and the coast of Claveria was already in sight but the waves were already huge and traveling for the past few hours was enough to put our nerves to the test.

      Ennui and how to be roasted like a pig

        So this is how it feels to be slowly roasted. I said to myself as the heat of the sun was slowly beating down on my exposed skin, biting, scorching, as our rented pumpboat almost arrived, after nine hours at sea.

        Mt. Mayon up close

          I really never tire of Mt. Mayon. I’ve seen her with her lava flows, or from the beautiful vantage point at the Embarcadero. Heck, I even consider Legazpi City airport as the airport with the best view in the world because of her! But never have I gone this close!

          San Carlos City’s beautiful sikads

            High seated, the pedicab driver called on passengers unloading from a bus at the San Carlos City terminal in Negros Occidental, motioning them to come near him. Some just walked past but I approached and after telling the driver to take me to the pier, I was off in a jiffy.

            No more swan rides in Baguio

              There will be no looking forward to swan boat rides in Baguio. No more eating red and plump and sweet strawberries in season or enjoying each other’s company even if it rains there.

              The Baguio of memories is coming to an end. But it was a beautiful journey with you.

              The best airport view in the world

                No question about it. The Legazpi City airport has the best view in the country, if not the world with magnificent Mt. Mayon volcano infront of it with smoke billowing from its lip, especially in the early morning. Lignon Hill is at the foreground.