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I Travel

Insights on going places, looking back at past journeys and anything about travel and the act of going from one point to another.

Ang Langyaw looks back at 2010

    It was a very fruitful year! 2010 was a major coup in terms of travel for this peripatetic old soul: published in National Geographic, wrote for CNN Go, won the Wandering Juan contest, rounded North Luzon twice, visited enough provinces to make it just six more to complete all 79 and a whole lot more!

    Travel history: 2008 – 2010

      Latest update of my travels from third quarter of 2008 – December 2010. Six more provinces to go to complete all 79 in the Philippines

      I need to visit Basilan soon. Why?

        I’ve checked my travel history and guess what!? I need to tick off Basilan off my list of provinces that I haven’t visited yet. And that includes seven others before I can complete all provinces visited in the Philippines. I’m planning of striking all off the list before the year ends.

        It’s all a blur as I’m shuttling to and fro

          For the past few weeks, it’s all been a blur. Shuttling to and fro, here and there either for work or for leisure but mostly on the former. Got an assignment for a magazine, around three articles in one issue. I got invited to a resort up north where for the next two days I pigged out and enjoyed the local sceneries and spots.