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Travel history: 2008 – 2010

My travel history from 2008 - 2010

It’s time to update my travel history according to Lakbayan!

My last update was third quarter of 2008 and from that time, I’ve added places and provinces including one territory abroad that I’ve done the past 2 years.

First off, I’ve finally ticked off the following provinces off the few left to complete all provinces in the Philippines: Guimaras and Antique in November and Quirino province in December, all 2010.

I’ve finally visited Bolinao in Pangasinan (November 2010) and Corregidor, yes, that island just off Manila, yesterday, 19 December 2010 as well as visited Macau for the first time. The rest were just frequent travels on many same places that I’ve been to before.

What’s in store for 2011? I intend to complete all 80 provinces in the country with just six more to go. In fact, I’m looking at visiting Siquijor either before the year ends or within first two weeks of January 2011. Pollilio island off Quezon province is in sight as well as Cagayancillo in the Sulu Sea and the Babuyanes island group off Cagayan.

Next year should be another exciting one for my travels.

8 thoughts on “Travel history: 2008 – 2010”

  1. sus gamay pa man imong na adtu-an! naa pa may puti puti sa map… *suya mode*

  2. this is one of my motivations in travelling, to make the map all blue. galing talga

  3. hopefully with your inspiration, i can raise my rating from C to B this year. 🙂 crossing my fingers. i meant next year diay. hehehe

  4. go! go! go! …mauna ka na sa 79…ultimate goal ko rin to complete the list on my blog…will update mine later 😛

  5. Nice! I also have a personal challenge to myself, to visit at least two-thirds of the 79 province in the next 5 years…

  6. Wow! Amazing! Cheers to the best travel photo blogger in the world!

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