This month is rather interesting as far as Going Places magazine is concerned. Other than the feature on People Of Travel where I was included as one of #TeamGP, I was able to make two contributions for the June 2017 issue. For my Langyaw Travel column, I wrote about Teofilo Garcia (above photo spread), Abra province’s National Living Treasure recognized for his effort in preserving the craft of gourd hat making, which, unfortunately, he is the only sole surviving craftsman. I blogged about this here before.
The second is a regular feature on my impressions of The Manila Hotel, the country’s grand dame and oldest surviving hotel rich in history and stories. I had to credit Ms. Therese Necio, VP-Marketing who lent me the book, The Manila Hotel by Beth Day Romulo which was quite informative in terms of history, the stories of the people, World War II accounts and more. It made me appreciate more the structure and why it is important.
All these in this month’s issue of Going Places magazine.