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Ang Langyaw is part of #TeamGP

Manila Bulletin newspaper ad
It is an honor to be part of #TeamGP!

On the occassion of the formal launching of Going Places magazine (formerly Cruising) this month of June, I was invited by the editorial team to be part of #TeamGP (Team Going Places), a group of select people who travels. I’ve been part of the magazine since its start in January this year as a monthly travel columnist under Langyaw Travel and a also a contributor but to represent and promote the magazine is something else, a leveling up as a blogger. And I’m very thankful for this opportunity.

The feature entitled doing a photoshoot, an interview and a video, which, for someone who prefers going behind the camera, can be a new and different thing but it was fun. A short interview is included in this issue while you can check out our videos at Going Places’s FB page.

Other #TeamGP members are Ferdz Decena (, Kara Santos (, Melo Villareal (, Yoshke Dimen & Vins Carlos (, Wil Dasovich (, Nicole Cordoves (Going Places correspondent), and John Rex Jardinero, Resly George Amador, Dennis Monterde, and Lira Avedillo (Trails to Empower Kids, TREK). We are all featured in the People of Travel, June 2017 issue of Going Places magazine.

Going Places magazine is part of the Manila Bulletin family and is available


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