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Feeling the wind, listening to the waves in Dakak and finding bliss

By the edge of the beach in Dakak Beach Resort, under the shade of trees
By the edge of the beach in Dakak Beach Resort, under the shade of trees

The day was overcast and rain clouds near the horizon was casting a foreboding atmosphere. It didn’t help that the sea was somewhat rough and waves crashed to the shore. The wind was somewhat strong too with the leaves rustling. Days before, it has been raining in Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte.

But the weather was depressing that I didn’t see the promised white sand, the clear emerald waters of Dakak Beach Resort graduating into aquamarine. There were less people and visitors too. Only waves. Only strong wind and a threatening sky.

I lied down a plastic lounging beach chair and just stared at the horizon. Stared at the sky and at the rocky tongue of land jutting at both sides of the cove. I felt the wind envelope me and just looked away, letting my thoughts take flight. Pondering.

In those quite moments of solitude with nature, I found bliss.

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Thanx to my friend Grees Maligro of Dapitan Pasalubong Center who arranged this stay in Dakak Beach Resort. Check them out for Dapitan City local food products and crafts.

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