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Going to Caramoan? Enjoy the glorious vista at Sabang first

Beautiful Mt. Mayon in the distance as an outrigger boat passes by Sabang
Beautiful Mt. Mayon in the distance as an outrigger boat passes by Sabang

I was whisked off to a tricyle the moment I stepped out of the Naga City Central Bus Terminal. I was still sleepy at 4AM when I arrived, tired and have limited sleep in the almost 12 hour bus ride from Cubao. It took that long, instead of the 8 hour trip because of road constructions in Quezon province.

But there, Wyn, a friend from Naga City Tourism greeted me with a big smile. After having a quick breakfast at the beautifully designed fastfood restaurant of Biggs Diner in Magsaysay Ave., we boarded a waiting van full with Naga City Tourism or NagaX (for Naga Excursions) and Jojo who will take us around Caramoan.

We were en route to San Jose Partido, the other side of CamSur and into Sabang, the jump off point to the Caramoan Islands. But before that, we made a stopover at a highway in Ocampo where five volcanoes of Bicol can be seen at that particular point. The morning was beautiful and all five lined up perfectly.

I was wide eyed when I got to the shore of Sabang. The morning sun was still a few degrees from the horizon but the beautiful morning light cast a wonderful glow at the beach. The motorized outrigger boats which brings passengers to Caramoan were lined up a few meters from the black shore.

Behind these boats, majestic Mt. Mayon was looming in the distance. It’s perfect silhouette standing out from the sky. After about 30 minutes, my group assembled, boarded the pontoon, went up the boats and a couple of minutes more, we were off to Caramoan.

But that glorious view of Sabang in the morning? Priceless!

Early in the morning, motorized outrigger boats are lined up at Sabang to take passenger to Caramoan
Early in the morning, motorized outrigger boats are lined up at Sabang to take passenger to Caramoan
Outrigger boats a few meters from the shore while the pontoons are being transferred to another boat.
Outrigger boats a few meters from the shore while the pontoons are being transferred to another boat.
A motorcycle being hauled up as cargo into the outrigger boat
A motorcycle being hauled up as cargo into the outrigger boat
Listing up for the passenger manifest before boarding the boats
Listing up for the passenger manifest before boarding the boats
Sabang Port to Caramoan
We boarded the wooden pontoon that took us to the waiting boat
Sabang Port to Caramoan
Just a few more meters and we boarded this motorized outrigger boat
Because of the shallow beach, these motorized wooden boats dock a few meters from shore and passengers need to take the pontoons to board
Inside the big wooden outrigger boats that plies the Sabang (San Jose) - Caramoan and vice versa route
Inside the big wooden outrigger boats that plies the Sabang (San Jose) – Caramoan and vice versa route
Two hours travel time and when nature calls...
Two hours travel time and when nature calls…

Thanx to Naga City Tourism, Naga Excursions

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