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Baguio’s strawberry flavored dirty ice cream is actually good

The small plastic cup with  equally small scoops
The small plastic cup with equally small scoops

You see these sorbeteros, ‘dirty’ ice cream vendors ubiquitously peddling this singular flavor around the tourist traps of Baguio City and La Trinidad near the strawberry fields. Just like the taho vendors, they’re cashing in on anything with strawberry in it, ice cream included.

And like pesky touts in these kind of places, they can bug you to buy from them while ringing their little bells and calling out to passing tourists. But I got curious when we were walking to the strawberry fields in La Trinidad to do what most tourists do.

We stopped. I asked how much and the vendor answered P25. Cheap, I thought, until he brought out two yellow wee cups and started making wee scoops.

The strawberry flavored ‘dirty’ ice cream around the touristy area of Baguio City and La Trinidad in Benguet

I didn’t complain though. We got the ice cream, paid the vendor and slowly walked away while eating. Surprisingly, the ice cream is really good. I really loved the strawberry goodness, creamy with little chunks of the actual fruit.

Most tourists just pass these vendors, but it’s really worth a try. You won’t be disappointed.

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