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One peso pork barbecue. Hahaha

One peso pork barbecue at the spit
One peso pork barbecue at the spit

It piqued my interest when I read from Journeying James about the one peso pork barbecue in Pagadian that I decided to see it for myself when I visited over the weekend. Although there was no specific locality indicated except that it’s near Plaza Luz, tricycle drivers know where it is. And when I actually saw it? I laughed. Hahaha

Yes, the one peso pork barbecue really exist but darn, it’s just two small pieces, one lean and one of fat skewered with a thin bamboo stick. What a waste on the bamboo stick and why would they actually do this? It might be dirt cheap but it’s really quite small. Every mouthful of rice means two skewers.

But, to be fair, the pork barbecue is okay. Well flavored and when dipped in vinegar, soy, calamansi and chili, becomes better. But not really filling. ONe has to buy lots of it to be fully sated. Another thing, I just can’t understand why they will serve chorizo with a plastic casing instead of the intestinal one. They even grill it and when served, the plastic has not fully melted and I just can imagine how this can be a health hazard.

Some fondly call this as Barbecue Street with three areas/vendors. We dined at the one with the biggest number of diners. It’s quite straight forward: yo uorder, tell the attendant where you’re seated, and just wait for your order to be delivered to your table. Once done, you just go back to the person and then pay.

One of three barbecue vendors along a busy street
One of three barbecue vendors along a busy street
Diners at this barbecue house
Diners at this barbecue house
Counter, cashier and larder
Counter, cashier and larder
Grilled barbecues piled on top of another
Grilled barbecues piled on top of another
Ready for our dinner. It was just the two of us
Ready for our dinner. It was just the two of us
Our order of 30 pieces of one peso pork barbecue and (plastic encased!) chorizo
Our order of 30 pieces of one peso pork barbecue and (plastic encased!) chorizo
This is actually how the one peso pork barbecue looks
This is actually how the one peso pork barbecue looks

GETTING THERE This place is fondly called Barbecue Street or ‘barbecuehan’ in Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur. Just hail a tricycle and tell the driver to take you to the ‘barbecuehan’ near the plaza.

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