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Ang Langyaw featured in Playboy (Philippines)

Ang Langyaw featured as a traveler and a photographer in Playboy (Philippines) October 2013 issue
Ang Langyaw featured as a traveler and a photographer in Playboy (Philippines) October 2013 issue

No, I’m not centerfold material and I get to keep my clothes on. Leave the nudity to those interested women.

I finally got a copy of Playboy Philippines’s Travel issue (published October) and it was an honor to be featured with other travel celebrities like Robert Alejandro, Bogart the Explorer and a blogger friend, Jed Rosell. Well, while I’ve been featured in other publications, this is the first time that I have to be at the other side of the camera!

The short feature basically talks about the beginnings of my travel as a 14 year old, to being a travel blogger. It also talks about my photography work, The New Cathedrals which was exhibited in France during Photoquai 2013.

Well, this is a rare moment and, happy to be featured too. Thanx Playboy Philippines!


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