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What to wear in Paris in September?

Boarded the plane from Cebu - Manila yesterday for my onward flight to Paris later tonight
Boarded the plane from Cebu – Manila yesterday for my onward flight to Paris later tonight

I’ve finally arrived in Manila yesterday after a very early morning flight at 0415H from Cebu. Sleepy, groggy and tired. I rescheduled two photoshoots for October and just spent the time to slow down and pack up the day before. There’s not much to bring. What is important is the camera tripod, the camera gear, laptop, Ipad mini and a few clothes, personal stuff and important documents needed for my Europe trip.

I’m back in Makati. Back at the rented apartment. Slept almost the whole morning if not for my flatmate who arrived and woke me up. I’ve never been jittery for a trip than this. It’s like my first out of the country trip of which there are so many thoughts racing through my mind that drives one anxious and (near) mad.

Of course, this is a major trip. It’s not only travel for leisure but my photographic work, THE NEW CATHEDRALS, was selected to be shown in the prestigious PHOTOQUAI. Travel for leisure comes in second. It’s a major highlight in my photographic career. But right now, I’m still in disbelief.

Went to Esprit at Glorietta where I found marked down items at 30-60% discount
Went to Esprit at Glorietta where I found marked down items at 30-60% discount
A trip to Europe, especially in Paris is no small travel. After voraciously reading about the city, from using the metro, where to go for food, sights and just walking, to hunting bookshops and some quirky spots, I eventually have to ask myself, what to wear?

Paris in September is said to be cool and wet. Erratic weather. After much browsing up, I just have to buy some clothes! Hahahaha… I’m not so much of a clothes person. The simpler the better. That’s why in my limited wardrobe, what you see are a few shorts and pants, and a couple of shirts which I find comfortable. I don’t dress up much. When I travel, I wear shorts, tees and sandals most of the time.

But with this Paris trip, god, I had to buy something! Why? It’s not just that the Parisians are fashionable. It’s not just that one has to look good in one of the great cities of the world. But I have a series of events to attend as part of the featured photographers of PHOTOQUAI.

There is a meet with the international press, with professionals and cocktails on Monday including opening night. And one has to look good, if not just presentable. I’m the lone Pinoy in this batch and somehow, I am representing the country.

No, I won’t be wearing the Barong Tagalog. It’s cold at night and the exhibit is at the gardens of the quai du Branly. From my checklist (okay, I admit, I’m on the heavy side right now so my clothes option is to complement that physical state):

– will just bring 2 pairs of dark pants, not denims
– 2 long sleeved and short sleeved button down shirts, dark color
– a cardigan or blazer
– some shirts for doing the tourist thing in Paris and travel to Barcelona
– and my reliable Rockport walking shoes
– a small foldable umbrella

will just buy some stuff, if needed there.

That’s just it, with some other personal stuff. I want to travel as light as possible considering that I still am bringing my tripod and camera gear. Still checking for some Philippine flag pins or accents that I can add during the opening night and probably a scarf for the cool nights.

That’s one major hurdle overcome! Now, I’m just killing time and resting till my intended check-in tonight at NAIA Terminal 1.

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