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Langyaw #03: Riding the Wind in Boracay

The latest issue of Langyaw, a free downloadable PDF photo e-magazine

I’m pleased to offer the latest downloadable PDF photo e-magazine of Langyaw!

I was invited by Nenette Graf as part of media to cover the 22nd Boracay International Funboard Cup, having written about it in CNN Go last year. In this issue, entitled Riding the Wind in Boracay, I’ve focused on the kiteboarding and windsurfing activity in this island which has been ongoing for the past two decades. I covered the 22nd edition last January 2011 which is also my first time even though I’ve written about it in CNN Go last year.

Issue #03 has 24 pages with text based from the previous post, and of course, around 30 images, stunning and beautiful photography that I’ve taken. What I did was to not only show race images but also portraits, behind the scenes, spectators as well as the place.

Check the download out by clicking on the highlighted link below. Additional downloadable PDF photo e-magazines and e-books that I offer in my various websites are also available for FREE at

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6 thoughts on “Langyaw #03: Riding the Wind in Boracay”

  1. Torn as to where to spend my week in the Philippines this August. It’s a dead heat between partying on Borocay or exploring Palawan. Advise?

  2. @fetus, hahaha, ga costume to siya
    @chris, if its adventure, i’ll go for palawan. to unwind with comfort, i’ll go to boracay. but between the two, PALAWAN
    @james, thanx 🙂

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