This beautiful beach is just so crazily wow!
The motorcycle ride was hot and as we were just coming from Hagimit Falls in Samal City, it didn’t take us long to reach Kaputian’s… Read More »This beautiful beach is just so crazily wow!
The motorcycle ride was hot and as we were just coming from Hagimit Falls in Samal City, it didn’t take us long to reach Kaputian’s… Read More »This beautiful beach is just so crazily wow!
August was cruel. And in the next four months, from September to December, my travels were more of an escape. Come to think of it, whenever I am in Makati, I just get depressed that I have all sorts of excuses and reasons to travel. That’s what the heartbreak did to me, travel to seek refuge of being anonymous, travel to distract oneself. But no amount of traveling can console me.