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The Cowboys of Bukidnon during the Kaamulan Festival

A cloud of dust followed the speeding cowboy and his horse as he was lassoing a calf. He missed and the crowd roared with laughter. After two more attempts, he was successful, hurriedly got down his steed and ran to the creature, wrestling with it until it was all tied down on the ground. It was an hour after lunch during the culmination of the Kaamulan Festival in Malaybalay, Bukidnon. After the colorful parade and presentation at the capital grounds, the crowd shifted to the penned open air stadium where the rodeo competition was held.

READ MORE: Why you should witness the Kaamulan Festival

Bukidnon is not only pineapple country, it is also cowboy land as ranches and cattle pepper its wide and open plains. Each year, during the Kaamulan Festival, various ranches from around the province come together to compete at the rodeo. It’s a showcase of sportsmanship, skill and camaraderie as they go around the penned area lassoing, and chasing calves or bulls either individually or as a group, mounted on a horse or on foot. And it’s a thrilling event which is rather uncommon in the country. But poor cows.

Kaamulan Cowboys

Kaamulan Cowboys

Kaamulan Cowboys

Kaamulan Cowboys

Kaamulan Cowboys

Kaamulan Cowboys



Kaamulan Cowboys

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