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My Langyaw Travel magazine column in Going Places March 2017 issue

Going Places March 2017
Cover of this month’s Going Places magazine

In this month’s issue of Going Places magazine, I’m featuring the heritage watchtowers of southeastern Cebu.

My monthly column, Langyaw Travel talks about one of the Philippine’s under appreciated heritage structures, the telegraphic watchtowers that line the coast of southern Cebu that stretches from Carcar to Santander and built by the Augustinian priest, Fray Julian Bermejo. These structures guarded the towns from Muslim slave raiders who were in search of slaves for the Sulu market in the late 18th to the second half of the 19th centuries.

More in my portfolio site, Estan Cabigas.


1 thought on “My Langyaw Travel magazine column in Going Places March 2017 issue”

  1. I hope you could also post an HD copy of the article, I would love to know more about the watch towers in South Cebu. I have been to Obong Spring and I saw one there.


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