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As a travel blogger, this is why I love Pinterest

Way back in college two decades ago, I used to voraciously read the Sunday paper and clip those travel related articles. It was a way of storing those information that I might use in the future. Unfortunately due to moving back to Cebu for the board exams and eventually work, I seem to have lost those clippings.

pinitpinas Fast forward to the present, I’m still an information hoarder but no more magazine and newspaper cuttings and storage. Thanx to apps, I can digitally bookmark articles and photos and retrieve it whenever I want, wherever I am. But there’s one app that definitely is quite useful: Pinterest. If you don’t know what this is, Pinterest is a visual bookmarking tool that helps you discover and save creative ideas.

Simply put, you store photos and information in the form of images by the act of pinning, that is, saving it into your created board in Pinterest. As a travel blogger and photographer, I mainly use Pinterest in two ways:

  • create a themed board to showcase a particular topic, like the board widget above devoted to Philippine beaches, and
  • pin items that I find interesting while online into a created board, like the different architecture beautifully photographed in the board below


The former allows me to showcase my photography of the different beaches that I’ve been and posted about in my blog which followers might find useful. Utilizing the tools of Pinterest, I can geotag these images as well as include the source article. In this way,it would be easier for a follower to read more about the photo.

On the other hand, the latter is an inspiration board for my architecture photography work and keeps me up to date of approaches and even trends of the genre. You can also do this for your planned travel in the future where you pin interesting photos of the places that you might want to visit, food to eat and even make a travel checklist board!

So check out Pinterest and see what it can do for you. If you are new to this, you can register using this special link (for a limited time only). Do comment below and paste your first board so that I can check it out. Happy pinning!

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