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Nothing to do in Mati? Go for a swim!


map_mati.gif Mati, being the capital of Davao Oriental is the main economic hub of this southeastern province. I know this place as more of a transit point for trips going up to the coastal municipalities than as a tourist destination. Being stuck and with nothing much to do here, what better way to kill time and enjoy than to go for a swim?

Located a few kilometers south is Masao Beach with floating kiosks. The water is clean and shallow, white sand bottom and with patches of sea grass. Its far from the main road and will guarantee a quite time. You can either bring your food or have it cooked.


Weekends can get busy, however, as families and day trippers enjoy the resort. For a more meditative moment or something more private, weekdays are perfect as there are less people here. You can use the floating bamboo raft to get to the floating kiosk. The scenery is not boring as there are hills and at a far distance, the mountain range at the peninsula with good views of Mt. Hamiguitan that breaks the monotony of just sea and sky.


These native huts built above the water can be rented out. It has rooms, dining as well as washing and changing areas. Or you can just sleep in the open as its breezy and cool.


3 thoughts on “Nothing to do in Mati? Go for a swim!”

  1. How did you come to visit Mati? Well, it’s my hometown, you know. I’m guilty because I haven’t posted anything about the place yet. 🙂

  2. Abaniko, I used to work in Davao before and was able to venture in this side of Mindanao. Second, I photographed the church in Caraga for the book Philipine Church Facades (but was not included). So yun.

    Thanx for the visit.

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