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Sinulog and Cebu heritage goes digital together with Smart brings a free Sinulog eguide and digital content information delivery when you visit the Parian district’s heritage sites and monuments in Cebu

    AirPhil Express offers Fly and Sail promo

      Airphil Express and Star Cruises invited us bloggers for a familiarization cruise tour from Singapore to Malaysia aboard the latter’s Super Star Virgo, a full service cruise ship. It was a lot different experience, another different way of traveling. And it was good. It’s just not your usual vacation but two leaders in budget air travel and cruising comes together in AirPhil Express’s Fly and Sail AdvenTour Package promo is a different kind of trip! Filipinos are not so much into cruising and many would dismiss it as mostly for the oldies. But after having experienced this one of a kind cruise in Singapore and Malaysia (upon the invitation of the airline), I can definitely say that this is worth it.Read More »AirPhil Express offers Fly and Sail promo

      Ang Langyaw talks on Travel Photography

        Ang Langyaw will be having a free lecture at the AIM and will talk about Travel Photography.

        Blog and Soul Sessions resumes this Saturday, July 2 at the Meralco Case Room of the Asian Institute of Management. This session is about words and pictures: Yahoo!Philippines Editor Erwin Oliva will discuss writing and blogging, while multi-awarded blogger and photographer Estan Cabigas shares some tips for taking spectacular travel photos.

        Read More »Ang Langyaw talks on Travel Photography