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In Transit

Reaching one’s destination is just half the fun. As the old Chinese proverb says: “A journey of a thousand miles start with a single step.”

En route: Makati to Cebu via Mindoro, Part 1

    I was at it again! This time, not the full loop as what I did before. When I was going home for the holidays from Makati to Cebu last month, I decided to go via the torturous and draining western land route. While shorter than the trip via Bicol, it’s no less than tiring.

    Coffee kills Mactan Airport scanner

      Just a few days before the much awaited, grandest of all Cebu’s and one of the country’s biggest event, the Sinulog, departing passengers who have hand carried baggages at the domestic departure waiting lounges have to open their bags for manual inspection. All because of a passenger’s coffee.

      In Transit, free photo ebook

        A new downloadable photo ebook about traveling from point A to point B focusing on the journey and not the destination. What’s more, its free. IN TRANSIT consists of 20 beautiful black and white images taken in different parts of the country and in Hongkong from 2004 to 2009.

        18 Km, 1 hour: a bus ride of exasperation

          I was in a hurry. It was almost 1600H and I still have to reach Sta. Lucia Parish in Asturias to take a shot of the church façade while the sun is still at a good angle infront of it. Time is running out for me and here, just a few few kilometers from Tuburan, the bus is crawling.

          Fast, cheap cruise, why didn’t I try this before?

            I hate it when commuting on both sides of Cebu and Mactan and stuck in the rush hour traffic on both sides of the bridges. The slow tedium of the flow is infuriating. Couple that with the long travel time and the frequent stops of boarding and alighting passengers just adds up to the frustration. Well, I haven’t paid much attention about the ferry plying the Mactan Channel thinking that it’s old and dilapated until I was forced by necessity when I visited Cordova doing research. And oh boy, I was in for a surprise. Why didn’t I try this before?!

            Nine hours in Masbate City

              After five hours at sea and with my senses barraged with stunning seascapes off Ticao, I finally arrived in Masbate City from Pilar, Sorsogon. Its terra firma and its the first time that I’ve been here. What can I expect? Are there old churches or houses that I can visit? Colonial era fortifications and other tourist spots? With just nine hours before I leave for Cebu, I cannot really go beyond the city limits.