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Lamitan’s white beach strip in Calugusan

Private beach at mid afternoon
Private beach at mid afternoon

Ever since I’ve been to Malamawi Island off Isabela City in Basilan, I’ve been on the lookout for other Basilan beaches to feature. Considering that it has several islands and islets, with many having those white sand fringe as seen from airplanes. Thus, much to my delight when a friend arranged for a trip to Lamitan, the other city.

It was a little past noon when we’ve finished lunch after a visit to Bolingan Falls and headed to Calugusan, a barangay of Lamitan City. It was a bit farther but the ride was pretty much okay as the roads were good. After a right turn into the Barangay and passing through a stretch of houses, empty lots and farmlands, finally arrived at Calugusan Beach.

The high noon sun made the white sandy beach brighter than usual but the heat was somewhat unbearable. It was low tide and broken shells and corals littered the shore. The place was deserted except for me and the driver. After a few minutes, we continued following the dirt road to the direction of the mayor’s private beach, less than a kilometer farther.

The private beach was gated. But unlike the public Calugusan Beach, it was much cleaner and well maintained. The water here was better and crystal clear although the sand was courser compared to the former. We lingered longer at the simple beach huts and soaked in the great, scenery, fresh air and the laughter of young people swimming at the small wharf.

Crystal clear water and white beach
Crystal clear water and white beach
Private beach with its white beach strip
Private beach with its white beach strip
A simple hut at the private beach near Calugusan Beach
A simple hut at the private beach near Calugusan Beach
At the private beach where the water is crystal clear
At the private beach where the water is crystal clear
View of the private beach near Calugusan Beach
View of the private beach near Calugusan Beach
Another view of Calugusan Beach
Another view of Calugusan Beach
Calugusan Beach with its not so fine but still good sandy shore
Calugusan Beach with its not so fine but still good sandy shore
The small wharf between the private and Calugusan Beach
The small wharf between the private and Calugusan Beach
Local youth jumping from the wharf into the deep water
Local youth jumping from the wharf into the deep water

4 thoughts on “Lamitan’s white beach strip in Calugusan”

  1. Wow Basilan is a paradise.

    This is the kind of post that we all need. Debunking what the media has been telling us that Basilan is unsafe etc.

    Thanks for this post. Makes me wanna explore Basilan!

  2. That shot of the jumping guy is crazy. I have to say the the water really looks great. I love how the green fades into blue. So beautiful.

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