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Where to easily shop in Dapitan City

Dayok or fermented fish intestines
Dayok or fermented fish intestines

We Filipinos are very fond of pasalubongs, gifts that we buy at places we visited for folks back home. Be it food, clothing, trinkets or handicrafts, its almost a must do before heading home.

But one of the biggest hassles of buying these? Most, or generally, products that we want as pasalubongs, especially if these are beyond the usual ref magnets and sweets, are often found in other locations. And usually, because of the lack of time, we often forego buying items that we want.

In Dapitan City, it’s simpler, pretty much straightforward and interesting products are found in one location: Dapitan Pasalubong Center. First, the location is strategic. Located near the boundary of the cities of Dipolog and Dapitan. It’s just along the highway, in a spacious location with ample parking space.

You won’t miss it, especially if you’re done with touring the latter and going back to Dipolog as it is quite visible and, with buntings and color, has a festive atmosphere. Designed as a native structure made from light materials like bamboo and nipa, each partition is a different store.

There are different products to chose from. Interested with basketry? Just head to stall #4. Want to bring fresh vegetables and crabs? Stall #8 is there. There are native bags, local delicacies, native sweets and the usual pasalubong items like shirts and keychains. There are so many to chose from and at a location that has it all.

Check it out when you visit Dapitan City.

Fresh produce is also sold
Fresh produce is also sold
Handmade bags using native materials
Handmade bags using native materials
Baskets and other handwoven handicrafts
Baskets and other handwoven handicrafts
Budbud is just one of the manu local delicacies sold here
Budbud is just one of the manu local delicacies sold here
Yema in packs
Yema in packs
The Dapitan Pasalubong Center where you can find different kinds of products that you can buy
The Dapitan Pasalubong Center where you can find different kinds of products that you can buy

Dapitan Pasalubong Center
Grees: +63 921 2537921
Kassel: +63 917 7986535

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