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A refreshing and charming waterfalls in Capiz

Beautiful Malinamon Falls, just discovered two years ago in Jamindan, Capiz inside a military reservation and camp
Beautiful Malinamon Falls, just discovered two years ago in Jamindan, Capiz inside a military reservation and camp

The sun has just broken out from the horizon when we started to assemble for our trek to this waterfalls in Capiz. It was a cool morning at Camp Gen. Macario Peralta where the 3rd Infantry Division of the Philippine Army is based in Jamindan. This military camp and reservation is the third largest in the country at 33,000 hectares that straddles the provinces of Capiz and Iloilo.

After taking our blood pressure (yes, they want to make sure we’re fit to trek), we started our two hour trek. The mist hasn’t yet lifted in many parts and vegetation were still wet with morning dew. But there was a sense of excitement as we trudged on.

Malinamon Falls, around 4 kilometers trek, was discovered just two years ago and brings to five the known waterfalls in this military reservation. Kalikasan Falls, which I blogged before is just another waterfall found here.

The trek was rather challenging. While it was downhill most of the time, the slippery trail as well as to being not so fit added to the difficulty. But after two hours, we finally heard the sound of falling water that we got excited and hastened our trek.

It was beautiful. It’s actually a river that passed over some rocks at a bit of an elevation that the streaming water formed a waterfall with a wider curtain. Although it was December and not much rain then, it would have been a sight to behold if we traveled during the rainy season as the volume of water would have added to the spectacle.

Nevertheless, it was striking. The cascade was cool and clean. It has a shallow basin but deep enough to swim. I did take a dip but only at the sides. Refreshing would be an understatement. Although I did enjoy it very much and wanted to linger more, we had to go back to the camp as the sun was already up.

Malinamon Falls is a beautiful cascade deep in Jamindan. It can be a challenge especially for the unfit as it involves trekking 4 kilometers over rough terrain but the rewards of seeing and swimming this waterfall is all worth it.

Blogger Claire Madarang of Traveling Light atop the cascades
Blogger Claire Madarang of Traveling Light atop the cascades
A military recruit enjoying a dip at the falls
A military recruit enjoying a dip at the falls
Blogger Journeying James posing at the waterfall
Blogger Journeying James posing at the waterfall
The waterfall, not tall but wider
The waterfall, not tall but wider
Wider view of Malinamon Falls
Wider view of Malinamon Falls
View of the waterfall from the opposite side
View of the waterfall from the opposite side
After a tiring trek back to the camp, we had late lunch with our hosts. Boodle fight!
After a tiring trek back to the camp, we had late lunch with our hosts. Boodle fight!

Malinamon Waterfalls in Capiz is accessible via Camp Peralta in Jamindan, Capiz. To visit, one has to ask permission first with the military reservation. Just ask for directions at the camp gate.

My thanx to the Capiz Provincial Tourism for this opportunity.

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