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Rediscovering Cebu: Other things to do, Part 5 of 5

Rounding off the southern tip, at Boljoon
Rounding off the southern tip, at Boljoon

This is a travel guide to rediscovering Cebu Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

A ride around the island of Cebu that takes a total of two days with night stops. Either with your own vehicle, hired or riding a bus, it’s one of the most pleasurable drives and rides to do along very good roads.

There are many stops along the way, food to sample, and beautiful sceneries ranging from the rolling sugarcane fields of the north to the rugged and rocky south. This is a good way of experiencing Cebu’s locals and culture as well as way of living. At the western side, it’s possible to just stop at the road and bathe at the clean and shallow waters.

At Camotes's Lake Danao
At Camotes’s Lake Danao

For a different kind of experience, the three islands that comprise Camotes, which is under the jurisdiction of Cebu, offers wonderful island life, a beautiful white sand beach free to the public, an outstanding heritage coral stone church in the main town of Poro as well as caves, a fresh water lake and outstanding biking routes.

Piles of dried fish at Taboan market
Piles of dried fish at Taboan market

For shopping, Taboan is still tops for dried fish. For handicrafts and local bags, there’s a small alley near the Basilica del Sto. Niño, pasalubongs at Shamrock’s and CNT or Zubuchon for perfectly packed lechon either at their branches in the city or at the airport.

There is still so much to visit and do in Cebu but the items listed in this series are just for a start.

This is a travel guide to rediscovering Cebu Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Article originally written and published in Space Magazine.


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