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Ang Langyaw, TattAwards ’12 Visualizer finalist

The photographer, the Visaulizer

Im in good company. Fellow Visualizers that, well, of the four, I only know one, Marky. But seeing their work is awesome!

I’ve been nominated and last Wednesday, 13 June, I was declared a finalist in Globe’s TattAwards 2012! At stake? P100,000 that, to be frank, I infact need very much.

what is the Visualizer category?

A picture is worth a thousand words, so it’s only fitting that we honor photographers as some of the best writers online! The Visualizer awards the best photo blogger who’s able to immortalize moments, objects, and just about anything online.

But I have to be frank. I WANT YOUR VOTES! Do head out to the voting page by clicking the graphic above, right.

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