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Ang Langyaw is Jewelmer Pearl Ambassador

Ang Langyaw as new Jewelmer Pearl Ambassador
It is with great honor for me of being considered by top pearl jeweler, Jewelmer, as their Pearl Ambassador together with five other bloggers who are considered not only as influential in their particular niche but environmental advocates as well; actor Piolo Pascual, media person Kuya Kim Atienza and three of the stars of Azkals.

Ahem, at least, we have something in common.

Jewelmer specializes in the golden south sea pearls, the Philippines’s national gem which only thrives in the most pristine of waters to come up with the trademark golden sheen. Being a pearl ambassador doesn’t mean an endorser of these gems but beyond that, as environmental advocates and champions for the environment.

We have visited Jewelmer’s pearl farm in northern Palawan with Flower Island as our base, and has been witness to how these beautiful gems thrive and the great difficulty in getting these beautiful pearls. Having pristine waters is not enough. Getting the community to take care of their natural ecosystem to have a more sustainable and environmentally sound practices is another. And Jewelmer has not only achieved that through its corporate social responsibility programs but the core of its mission, its business will only be possible with a deeply ingrained respect, awareness and action for environmental protection.

And the company is getting serious with its business of protecting the environment by getting more people involved. In last night’s event, 15 June 2011 at the Manila Ocean Park, a new website was unveiled.


Seven thousand pledges for a better tomorrow. Environmental stewardship is the responsibility of all, and the actions we take – or fail to take – will decisively impact the future of our oceans and forests.

Let’s do our part in helping the planet through three simple steps: pledge an act for the environment, commit to do it, and invite friends and family to do the same.

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