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This ain’t a fire breathin’ dragon

A yellow dragon fruit is uncommon in the country and I have just seen and tasted this in Davao

Fruits in Davao City? You name it! From durians, to mangosteens to pomelos, rambutans and marangs. There are lots to chose from. But there is another one, strange looking, small, and rather curious and fleshy: the yellow dragon fruit (Selenicereus megalanthus) is sweeter and better tasting than it’s red/pinkish cousin (genus Hylocereus). During a brief stop there, I wasn’t disappointed.

The ones found common in fruit stands and groceries in major urban centers in the country is the large red/pink variety. When you open one, it has white flesh and lots of tiny seeds. In Davao, however, Eden Farms has another unusual but better one: the yellow dragon fruit that I’ve only seen and tasted in this city. It is also one of the must buy fruit to me whenever I’m in town.

The fruit is smaller than my hand and when cut open, it still has its white flesh but the seeds are larger. While still working there a few years ago, during the fruit season in Davao typically August – October, I usually go to JS Gaisano along Ilustre and check their fruit section for this. When I did came back for a few days stay, I wasn’t disappointed.

This trip was made possible with my win in the Wandering Juan Travel Blog Awards, Culture and Heritage Category. Visit the official site.

4 thoughts on “This ain’t a fire breathin’ dragon”

  1. @james, yep, food posts since yan lang inatupag ko sa davao. hahaha… of course, may waterfalls na coming 🙂

  2. That photo alone had me salivating, but the description went one better.

  3. @chris, thanx. interesting blog you’ve got there 🙂

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